• Bone Marrow Transplant

    A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure performed to replace bone marrow that has been damaged or destroyed by disease, infection, or chemotherapy. This procedure involves transplanting blood stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote growth of new marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy, fatty tissue inside your bones. It creates red blood cells, white blood cells; platelets. Bone marrow also contains immature blood-forming stem cells known as hematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs.
    There are three major types of bone marrow transplants.

    • Autologous Transplants – Autologous transplants involve the use of a person’s own stem cells. They typically involve harvesting your cells before beginning a damaging therapy to cells like chemotherapy or radiation. After the treatment is done, your own cells are returned to your body.
    • Hodgkin’s & Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: For relapsed / refractory cases, it is standard therapy and in most such cases, it is the only curative option.
    • Myeloma: Although not curative, it is standard treatment as a part of initial therapy, as it prolongs survival substantially.
    • Leukemia: Acute Myeloid Leukemia as part of consolidation therapy, to increase chance of cure in this disease.
    • Allogeneic Transplants – Allogeneic transplants involve the use of cells from a donor. The donor must be a close genetic match. Often, a compatible relative is the best choice, but genetic matches can also be found from a donor registry.
    • ThalassemiaSeveral other genetic disorders, especially with single gene defects
    • Aplastic Anemia
    • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
    • High Risk AML & Relapsed AML
    • Relapsed ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia)
    • Umbilical cord blood transplant – This is a type of Allogeneic transplant. Stem cells are removed from a newborn baby’s umbilical cord right after birth. The stem cells are frozen and stored until they are needed for a transplant. Umbilical cord blood cells are very immature so there is less of a need for perfect matching. Due to the smaller number of stem cells, blood counts take much longer to recover.


    • Rooms supported by separate HEPA filter with triple level air filtration for minimized risk of infection.
    • Few of the largest centers for Bone Marrow Transplant across Asia.
    • Fully equipped labs.
    • Transplants are routinely performed for children as well as adults.
    • We utilize Brachytherapy system for treating cancers and Flow Cytometry for cell counting and cell sorting.