• Laminoplasty Surgery

    The literal meaning of the word Laminoplasty is a procedure in which portions of the lamina which is the bony roof of the spinal canal are removed. It is a technique of increasing the space available for the spinal cord by reconstruction of the laminar arch. Laminoplasty is usually performed in the cervical spine. It may also be performed in the thoracic or lumbar spine (middle or low back), especially in pediatric or younger adult patients. Pressure on the spinal cord can be due to various causes including degenerative changes, arthritis and bone spurs. If the pressure becomes severe, Laminoplasty becomes an excellent way to get rid of this.


    • Spinal compression/stenosis
    • Pain and discomfort in the neck
    • Pain in the legs
    • Loss of bladder control
    • Difficulty in walking
    • Loss of motor control in the hands and fingers and numbness in the arms


    • Short operative and post operative period.
    • Less than 24 hours of stay in hospital.
    • Rapid improvement.
    • Can resume to normal life soon

    India has set its standards when it comes to Laminoplasty. We have highly competitive and experienced spine and neurosurgeons to provide high quality healthcare services. Results in such affordable prices are one of the key reasons why more and more global patients plan their health tours to this country.

    Your surgeon will make a complete incision over one of the sides of lamina and partial incision over the other side that is created over the hinged door. Another popular method in use is known as French Door Method. This procedure employs a complete incision via the central area of the lamina along with the partial incisions seen over every single side in order to create two doors, which simply open up at the center.